Main procedure for running all band-band alignment processes for any data types. See the main file for details on how to use this routine wrapped as a task. All parameters are also described below so that you can use as a procedure if you want, but intended use is as an ENVI task.
in, optional, type=boolean, default=false
Set to true if you have reference tie points and want to apply them to all of your image groups.
in, optional, type=boolean, default=false
If set to true then, when finding reference tie points, the choices for optimal group will be passed through a simple threshold to make sure that we pick an image during a straight flight line for generating reference tie points. Only used if APPLY_REFERENCE_TIEPOINTS is set
in, optional, type=long, default=0
Specify the zero-based index for which band you want to use as a reference for generating reference tie points.
in, optional, type=boolean, default=false
When specified, the images will be scaled to one another to account for changes in the ISO and exposure time during a flight. If you want to use reflectance panels then this must be set.
in, optional, type=float, default=0.6
Set this to the score required by the task GenerateTiePointsByCrossCorrelation to make sure that two points are actual the same information.
in, optional, type=long, default=255
Set this to the search window used by the task GenerateTiePointsByCrossCorrelation to find matching tie points.
in, optional, type=stringarr
Specify the end of each file name that delineates how files belong to a group or not.
in, optional, type=boolean, default=false
If set, then reference tie points will be found based on the sensor and INPUTDIR.
in, optional, type=boolean, default=true
Set to true for only generating a GPS file. Created by default afte the processing has finished.
in, required, type=string
Specify the directory that you want to search for image groups to process.
in, optional, type=boolean, default=false
Turn to true to make a .dat and .hdr file that can be ingested in ENVI. Will likely have a dummy spatial reference set up.
in, optional, type=number
Specify the maximum pixel value to be allowed when creating output images. Used in conjunction with MAX_VALUE_DIVISOR
in, optional, type=number
If MAX_PIXEL_VALUE is set, then this represents the scale factor that the data will be divided by if over the maximum. This is used for the RedEdge data to make sure that it is truly 12 bit as it was collected (instead of scaled by a factor of 16).
in, optional, type=long, default=REQUESTED_NUMBER_OF_TIEPOINTS/10
Select a threshold for the smallest number of allowed tie points that can be found after filtering. If less than this, then the tie point generation algorithm is ugraded to mutual information if not already set as that.
in, optional, tpye=boolean, default=false
If set to true, then multi-channel TIFFs will be generated. otherwise multi-page TIFFs will be used.
in, optional, type=float, default=0.05
Represents the required matching score used by GenerateTiePointsbyMutualInformation.
in, optional, type=long, default=121
Represents the search window used by GenerateTiePointsbyMutualInformation.
in, optional, type=boolean, default=true
When false, image registration is performed a second time before writing data to disk for batch processing. Will add a lot of overhead to the total time.
in, optional, type=long, default=nCPU/2, min=1, max=4
Set to the number of child processes that you want to process in parallel. Max is 4 due to licensing.
in, optional, type=float, default=70.0
This represents the percent reflectance (0 to 100) of reflectance panel images that are provided in PANELDIR. Specify a single value or an array of values that represents the percent reflectance of each band of the reflectance panel. The value should be between 0 and 100. If a scalar is provided, then it is assumed to be a constant value for each band. The order of this array should match the FILE_IDENTIFIERS. If you are using Sequioa or RedEdge data, then it is from shortest to longest wavelength.
in, optional, default=INPUTDIR/reflectance_panels
Specify the directory that contains reflectance panels. The default value is INPUTDIR/reflectance_panels.
in, optional, type=number, default=50000
Set this to the scale factor that will be applied to the output imagery so that we don’t have to use floating point data for reflectance imagery.
in, optional, type=long, default=1500
Specify the number of tie points that you want to initially find.
in, optional, type=boolean, default=false
If true, then the search window for the different algorithms is based on the approximate height above the ground for the reference group.
in, required, type=string, choices=‘rededge’,‘sequoia’,‘generic’
The type of sensor that will be processed. Default is generic unless otherwise specified.
Zachary Norman - GitHub: znorman-harris
Copyright © 2019 Harris Geospatial Solutions, Inc.
Licensed under MIT. See LICENSE.txt for additional details and information.